Da Ulisse - Alitalia - Gennaio 2012
Proprio ad Amsterdam Fedor Van der Valk ha aperto il suo nuovo atelier e negozio. Compone sculture mescolando materia a piante e fiori. La natura, attraverso le sue mani, diventa arredo, opere che catturano per estetica e creatività, in una mistura di botanica, alberi, semi, disegni, installazioni floreali. Decorazioni che arrivano dal mondo vegetale, con un incredibile risultato estetico. I suoi lavori si possono ammirare da Pompon (nel cuore di Amsterdam, Prinsengracht 8, tra i più antichi fioristi della città: papaveri, bouganville, passiflora, orchidee sembrano nuvole sospese nell'aria.
In Amsterdam, this pan-European craze for greenery in public places is manifest in truly original planting techniques. Strings are suspended from ceilings and hung with branches, leaves and flowers. What were once mere florists have now become flower designers who can transform petals and plants into artistic expressions. In Amsterdam Fedor Van der Walk has opened a new atelier and shop, where he composes sculptures by mixing materials with plants and flowers. In his hands nature becomes decor, aesthetically captivating and creative works in a blend of trees, seeds, drawings and floral installations. His decorations from the world of plants achieve incredible aesthetic results. His work can be admired at Pompon, one of Amsterdam's oldest florists. His poppies, bougainvillaea, passionflowers and orchids are like clouds suspended in mid-air.
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